viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009


OjoZ Mee!
This is; the eyes!(?

Mira mis hermozos ojos verdes los mas claros qe puedan existir xp!

nah ni ahy son marrones un toqe oscuros xp qe tipa xd!!

Thi is Stephanie

miƩrcoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

This is Me

adore esa paletaa :*con la carita juelizz!! :)

martes, 3 de febrero de 2009

first first? what? jash! not what I do and everything is so confusing! ah jum is my first time! not* make fun or anything to say ah ja me crazy* to know that*I'm famous dale!! with chat that life that God lives cambial xd ah! wath that*that picture I just love the hate you're all a little jum! and the lyrics pretty much a girl chile qe me jjum deemed Peruvian model! qe god thing! pardon my English is ugly! I am a witch*